Waiting (枯候)

Oil on Canvas. 36" x 24". February 2005.
This painting really needs to be looked at in person, because it has so much texture. I have used a tremendous amount of rock/sand medium to create the texture. A lot of time was spent to just stare at the canvas (mostly at night and usually in a meloncholy mood), in search of what colors to use and what strokes to execute, to express what I feel inside.
I was thinking...whether I should comprehend it from left to right or vice versa, and from darkness to brightness or vice versa.
I was also thiking...it seesm the darkness is more aggressive.
This painting is real headache to me. I have no clue at all for months (you send to me in Feb). You give me so much instructions like rotating the painting... and you said, "She always see people."
One day, when I worked long hours before my MAC workstation, feeling tired, bored and fed up with editing jobs, I visited your place on web, and read this painting again. Bingo!!! I got it!
No wonder you rotate the painting here. :P
And... it's really about Chinese culture!
After watching "That Which Never Came 那不來", I love the Chinese name of "Waiting 枯候" even more!
Hopeless waiting... that which never came...
I love them!
yeah, the painting's melancholiness is surely loud just by lookin at it..... keep up....
its has almost like an 'into the oblivion' feel to it. the texture looks great on the picture. i can only imgine how great it will look up close.
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