Sinking to Atlantis

15" x 36". Mixed Media on Canvas/Acrylic. April 1991.
It's going back in time 14 years. This was one of the last painting I did before I quit years ago. This painting was done during a big turning point in my life. It is very difficult to take a picture of this painting, because part of it is on clear acrylic, which is elevated from the canvas. So just imagine that white circle (the camera flash reflection) not being there.
However, I do like this canvas and clear acrylic panel combination...I don't think I have seen anyone do this. The painting has a very 3-D effect to it. However, this process just takes too much time, and too much money. Nonetheless, this is one of those paintings I don't really care about these days....I think it was painted more to please the eye than to please the mind.